storms don’t last forever

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter… Our 4 main seasons. Living in the UK, there seems to be 2 seasons, winter and a few weeks of summer. With longer warmer days, it’s only right that the summer is my favorite season. Its funny because as soon as summer is here and I swap my thick jumpers for t-shirts, I make use of the winter sale to get new winter clothing or the season ahead. As the reality is the summer weeks won’t last, so I rather be prepared for the winter months, than rushing around during the winter finding things that I could have done before and for a fraction of the price.

Each season that we enter into will teach us these 2 main things

  1. Seasons change so don’t get too comfortable

  2. God always wants to show us something

  3. Every season comes with a particular lesson

In every season that we go through in life, whether it is a season of joy and sunshine or rain and miserableness, there is always some knowledge and wisdom to gain and a lesson to learn. Some seasons are there to teach us about ourselves, show us characteristics and traits that are detrimental and overall sabotaging the future version of us and the work God wants to do in our lives. Some seasons are there to highlight the people around us, how they help or how they are not a positively beneficiary factor to our growth, development and overall life. Some seasons we go through is to bring us to a place where we become willing to  LET GO of the steering wheel and jump into the passenger’s seat and allow God to take the wheel.

Though we know that seasons don’t last forever, the down, miserable seasons filled with storms after storms, can often feel like they are never ending. However, which of you have seen an never ending storm? Which one of you have seen the snow or rain fall continuously? Which one of you have seen and heard lightning and thunder roll endlessly? NONE OF YOU! For the reason that storms are only for a season. I know all too well that sometimes when these storms come, sometimes we are not prepared, however I know that during these times, God shows up and shows out, even without us regarding it or realizing it in its fullness. During my storm seasons, when I take the focus off the storm which could be my finances, my relationships with family and friends, my marriage whatever it is, I can begin to see God’s mercy and I begin to see what it is he needs me to learn during this season, to help me in the season to come. Sometimes that has been to just depend on Him more, sometimes that looks like him highlighting certain characteristics that has been hindering me and will continue to do so unless I make a change.

If you are going through your stormy season, a season filled with loss, hurt, pain. Stop for a moment and take your eyes off the storm and ask your creator to show you what He needs of you during this time and what He wants to show you and change within you. What can you take away from this season to help prepare you for the next?

Remember storms don’t last forever! He will see you through.

Love Renee


Check YourSelf


God is still hearing why havE you stopped praying ?