Never Let Your Past Define The Life That Christ Intends For You To Live.

For the past decade I lived an empty purposeless life and as a result of that I found my self in damaging friendship groups and relationships and places that I had no business in. It was fair to say that I was a mess both inside and out.

As I gave my life to God He changed my mindset of how I viewed my life, my body, my heart I was able to make a promise to myself and God that these types of relationships I would never subject not only myself but my son to the level of toxicity that I have done for nearly 10 years. I am now a qualified Dental Nurse Working towards my Dental Hygiene and Therapy Degree and now an self published Author.

From a early age I enjoyed reading and writing, and writing poems and short stories came quite naturally to me, However it was only in 2019 I rediscovered my passion for writing, when I began writing my debut book, “To the single mom, God cares about you”. The Amari Asks, series of books, are based on the question my son asks and how I answer and resolve his queries.

I hope this will be an encouragement to all that your current position does not have to be your final destination. You were not created to live a life of toxicity a life where you wouldn’t be appreciated and valued, respected or loved! Anything you want in life you can achieve with God hard work and perseverance! Also Don’t be afraid to CUT people off without ANY apologies.

Don’t look back & don’t live in your past! God can make all things new and will make a new life for you just as He did for me!

I Am Renèe Richards Daughter Of THE Heavenly King