Check YourSelf

Sometimes we are so quick to check other people, criticize the way how they do things, analysis and pick at their faults and downfalls, yet how often are we checking ourselves? How often are we checking our flawed characteristics, and difficult personalities? How often are we checking how we deal with others, how our words can have an lasting impact on who it falls upon? How often are we checking ourselves? Some of us, myself included, in relationships with family friends, spouses have an “I am perfect” mentality, “I never do no wrong” mindset, “It’s always the other person in the wrong” outlook on life, and in reality, we are just as messed up as the person we are claiming is.  

I’ve realized marriage will humble you, REAL QUICK and I love that. I’ve only been married 3 months, yet in these 3 months God has had to use situations to humble me reallll quick, to show me that this high horse I like to sit on, I need to get all the way down, because I have some ways that if I don’t change, only God knows the outcome.  

A situation occurred between my husband and I, as a result I said some things and made some remarks which though in my head it meant well, it wasn’t delivered and it sure was not received in that way. It was wrapped up in ego, no love, no empathy and no understanding and it hurt. When he then responded to me in some type of way, instead of checking myself, I started to blame and play victim. It was only when my mother reached out to me to tell me that my husband was not happy with what I had done, I had to sit in time out and really check myself. I had to beg for my husband's forgiveness, really go speak to God because it was not a good look, and I didn’t want this to affect my marriage. When I really sat down and was “checking myself” I realized that this wasn’t something that had just come about with my husband, it something that I do with EVERYONE.  

If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves – Galatians 6:3 This is a real humbling verse. We all have flaws and ways about us, that can be damaging.

Yes, change is possible only if you want to change, only if you can begin to see how these ways can have an negative impact on you and those who you interact with.  

Love Renee


For I know the Plans I have for you


storms don’t last forever