The 11 day Journey tHat took 40 years

Whatever season we go through, I believe that God wants to give us enough wisdom to navigate through that season well, that we can learn whatever valuable lesson’s He requires us to learn. However, many of us, myself included, may find that when we are in a “down” season it can often seems prolonged and never ending. The light at the end of the tunnel seems pretty much non existent. This, is due to the fact, that we are hard headed and not willing to see what God is trying to do, what He wants us to learn.  

The Israelites stayed in the desert wandering in circles for 40 years, on a journey that should have only taken them 11 days. ELEVEN DAYS! Why? Because God wanted them to simply TRUST HIM! They witnessed how He had saved and provided for them, over and over, yet their lack of faith and their quickness to doubt and complain about their current situation, caused their current situation to be prolonged much longer than it needed to be.  

This season that you are in, only you can determine how long you will be in it for. Look past the circumstances that has led you on this journey and focus on what you have learned. Focus on the Hand that has kept you through and that Hand has provided for you each step of the way.  

This month, pray that God may allow you to see what is causing this “down season” you are in to be prolonged. Ask Him to show you what you are holding onto which is preventing your growth, hindering you from seeing His mercies and how He has been with you step by step. 

You’ve got this and God’s got YOU! 


God is still hearing why havE you stopped praying ?


The Ugly Head of Doubt