The Voice That Says To Give Up

This blog post it to the active giver uppers. The ones who, have great ideas and act upon them but later for more reasons than one, they give up. 

This is an trait of mine, a flaw within my character that I am learning, desperately how to get rid of. 

Many of us give up for a range of reasons, such as; we believe we are not good enough, that whatever it is we have started or working towards, that we are incompetent of actually completing and achieving. 

We start by listening to that voice that whispers nothing but negativity and lies in our ears. The whispers which utters; “you are not good enough”, “this idea is 💩”, “this won’t go anywhere”, “you are wasting your time”, “someone else has already got this idea, there’s not space in the market for you”, you are not pretty enough, smart enough, wise enough, talented enough to accomplish this or pull this off”. 

This voice, if we allow it to, will like a leech feed on our insecurities, sucking away at every ounce of positivity within us, every perseverance, determination and most importantly any HOPE we may have. Leaving us with with what seems like no choice but to give up. 

Last week I was speaking to my partners mother, and I was sharing with her some projects that I had started between 2020-2021. She told me that these project where beautiful, however to her disappointment I had told her that I had given up on these projects. I could hear the disappointment and confusion in her voice when she asked me “why would I do that”. I “ummed” and “ammed” for a while until I just told her I didn’t believe I was good enough and neither did I believe that what I had put my hands to, that they where good enough. 

Sad isn’t it? 

Before I gave up, I already had my own insecurities about what I produced, and I would find fault with my projects and do the dreaded thing of comparing my work to the work of others. As a result of this, that voice began to work, the voice of doubt and negativity became overwhelming and instead of shutting them down and rebuking them, I allowed them to over take me and I gave up. 

I stopped making art items that I loved so much and I gave up writing books for a year. 

That voice you hear echoing nothing but negativity, feeding on your fears and insecurities, is a voice that has one goal and that’s to; steal your hope, your future, to prevent you from fulfilling your goals and dreams. 

From this day forward make a promise to yourself, that when that voice comes echoing not just negativity, but words to pushing to give up, that you will not give into it but counteract it. Counteract it with the following affirmations:- 

  • I have the courage to keep on going

  • With the grace of God I can accomplish anything I focus on

  • I receive the blessing for the Lord to grant my desires and make my plans succeed.

  • I commit my actions to the Lord to see my plans succeed.

God has planted ideas in you, He has placed everything within you and provide everything around you in order for you to achieve those same ideas. Don’t let the devil speak you out of those things




A Lesson From Kim K


Dealing With Setbacks