A Lesson From Kim K

Now, where as a high number of young adults and teens have this obsessive fassicination  with celebrities and keeping up with their every move, I normally, would fall into the small percentage of individuals who couldn’t care less about what a celebrity wore to coachella or what their most recent relationship status is. However this week Kim Kardashian made the headlines for a choice she made way before had children, which has now, I guess come back to haunt her. 

Though that week, there were so many important news headlines such as; The UK immigration plans to send asylum seekers to Rwanda to be processed, the war between Ukraine and Russia intensifies yet it was the Kim Kardashian child stumbling across his mothers sex tape that grabbed my attention the most. 

We all know about the infamous Kim K sex tape, the famous tape which gave her, her “celebrity” status. A tape which was done years before she had children, however a few days ago, her son was made aware of this tape by innocently playing Roblox.

Though I’m not a Kim K fan, as a mother I could sympathise with her. I could sympathise with how she must of felt, seeing something that she may have out behind her, resurface in the most embarrassing and painful way. 

I have watched parents, who, out of financial desperation take up a lifestyle to which they initially thought would help their financial needs and give them the ability to buy their children new clothes and shoes. A decision which had short term benefits saw long term turmoil, with children being taken way and entering into care and the parent later going to jail.

There’s a saying I have been recently been living by, “The decisions you make today will affect the tomorrow you”. Sometimes we are quick to make decisions based on our wants and needs for the present moment without thinking of the negative impacts it can have on our life, 6 weeks, 6 months 6 years down the line. 



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