Dealing With Setbacks

In the perfect world we could set goals and targets and easily achieve them. Without having any trip ups and disappointments along the way. However let’s be real, this is real life and the harsh reality is that setbacks are going to happen. 

Things are going to take place that makes your fool proof plan to achieving your goals or targets look like something that was made by an armature. 

No one enjoys dealing with set backs. Why would you? It is something that just like the name says “ sets you back” it brings disappointment, loss of hope and confidence. It’s heart wrenching and painful and causes many to actually give up. However there are ways to get past these barriers and small speed bumps in the road to your goals!

  1. Remain Calm-

When things don’t go your way it can be so easy to start throwing your toys out the pram. Let me say this, letting off steam and venting is okay to an certain extent, as we are not robots, we do have feelings. However it won’t actually help the situation and often times if we are not careful it can make the situation worst. Keep calm, gather your thoughts and begin think of ways how to rectify and move forward from this set back. 

2. Go back to the drawing board

Remember I said before, in this life things do not go smooth sailing all the time. Go back to the drawing board and start figuring out ways to get yourself back on track. Devise a plan that will not only put you back on track but even a step closer where you should have been if your set back had not taken place.

3. Self Evaluation

Sometimes, when we have been set back it can be because of outside factors that we have no control over.  However it can also be because of things we have done without truly being aware of what the outcome will be. Evaluate your situation. If you have done something which has now hindered your plans learn from this to ensure that this does not take place again. There are lessons to learn in everything, even the set backs. 

I see set backs as ways how to test our perseverance and determination. As well as something to test our character; how do we deal with others and ourselves when we are faced in situations that we did not plan for

As we come to the end of the month of March, reflect on how things have gone the good the bad and the ugly. 

Whatever set backs you have faced acknowledge, accept and get up & accelerate.

Renee ❤️


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